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"I, Daniel, understood by the books ..the word of the LORD through Jeremiah the prophet, that He would accomplish seventy years..." (Dan 9:2).

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Kingdom Lifestyle for 'Brand' New Believers [Level 1-eBook]


Fundamental Spirituality

We present the easiest most fundamental way to begin and advance your Christian journey of loving, learning, and living in Christ, as a true believer and spiritual infant. Through a common-sense approach; what we call contextual-chronology of NT Scripture, this book helps you extract its juicy Truth, easily, in small bites to help you build righteous character for a righteous lifestyle, as the Holy Spirit intended when early new testament scriptures were written.  This scriptural ‘workbook’ for FIRST LEVEL individual or group discipleship development supports behavior modification for Godly living, and for learning WHAT true believers ARE and DO.

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